Carbon Free Zone Credits
We are one of the top trading firms on the International Carbon Exchange (CTX)
*Commercial and institutional buys over $25,000 please call 1.813.480.2810
Buying Carbon Credits creates an authentic and measurable CO2 reduction to the environment while enabling an environmentally conscious investment tool.
The purchase of a carbon offset is by design meant to balance the carbon footprint each of us produces daily, with an equivalent investment in a Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project somewhere in the world or here at home. One (1) carbon credit represents one (1) ton of CO2e reduction. Therefore, the purchasing of Carbon Credit “offsets” is a unique way for you to do your part in helping this world and future generations to enjoy its beauty, clean air and water.
If You, Your Company or any other business you patronize are buying Carbon Credits then you are in good company. These are some large buyers of carbon offset credits: Alphabet, Cemex, Delta, Disney, General Motors, Honeywell, JetBlue, Microsoft, PG&E, Salesforce, Shell, Unilever